Assistant Professor

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Steven Woltering is an assistant professor in the department of Educational Psychology since September 2014 and jointly appointed with the department of Psychology. He is the director and founder of the Neurobiological lab for Learning and Development (NLD) which promotes, and educates on, the use of biometrics in social and health sciences. You can learn more about the NLD’s mission, research, and capability from this website:

Dr. Woltering’s interest, broadly put, is to better understand the role of self-regulation in our behavior and apply this to the field of education. Self-regulation refers to the ability to control your attention and emotions and this capacity is considered crucial for developing a cognitive and emotional competence.

    Main research questions:

  • Why are certain people able to control their attention and emotions better than others?
  • How does this ability of self-regulation develop across the lifespan?
  • Can this ability of self-regulation be trained so that people can become more effective learners?

Dr. Woltering has conducted studies on the role of self-regulation in typical and atypical populations, such as those suffering from ADHD, disruptive behavior problems, anxiety disorders, or types of addictive behavior (such as overeating). His work involves individual difference, developmental, and intervention/treatment studies and adopts a wide variety of methodologies, including questionnaire, observational, meta-analytical, executive function/neuropsychological, physiological and neuroscientific measures.

718B Harrington Office Building

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