Teaching, Learning & Culture

Certifications & Certificates


Reading Specialist Certification

Reading Specialist Certification

Reading Specialist Certification

- by tamueducation
Graduate Certification Program

Graduate Certification Program

This Program offers an M.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction and State Teacher Certification.

- by tamueducation


Post-Secondary Science Teaching Certificate

Post-Secondary Science Teaching Certificate

Post-Secondary Science Teaching Certificate for graduate students

- by joshua.siegel
STEM Certificate

STEM Certificate

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Certificate for graduate students

- by tamueducation

Advanced Research Methods Certificate

The Advanced Research Methods (ARM) Certificate is a graduate-level certificate in Education & Social Sciences Advanced Research Methods (ARM), offered by the College of Education and Human Development at Texas A&M University. The program allows graduate students the opportunity to add to their degree’s minimum requirements for training in research methodology, and to obtain academic validation for their additional efforts.

Learn more about the ARM Certificate

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