Teaching, Learning & Culture

Lohman Learning Community

Lohman Learning Community

The Lohman Learning Community is a first year experience program for education majors. Funded through the generosity of Carolyn S. Lohman, members have a common first year experience through shared courses and activities. Students chosen to participate in the learning community have declared majors in TLAC or EPSY, and possess a range of interests and backgrounds.

As part of the experience, students will take at least one class together per semester, which are specifically designed with this group in mind. Outside of class, the Learning Community members share fun activities to help them get to know each other. Activities include:

  • Group dinners,
  • Movie nights,
  • MSC OPAS performances and
  • Field trips, such as the Holocaust Museum of Houston, Texas.

Student Testimonials

Being in this community with so many diverse students definitely impacted me and the way I think about other cultures.

Many of the activities pushed us outside of our comfort zones in the best way possible and allowed us to learn new things in ways that really were beneficial.

Coming to A&M was really scary for me. I was the first in my family to go to college. Everyone where I grew up looked like me. At A&M, I felt like no one looked like me. Lohman gave me the opportunity to feel loved, welcomed, and at home. I don’t know if I would have made it through my freshmen year without Lohman.

In this community I felt like I had a safe place to talk about my opinions, my experiences, my background, my worries. I felt like I had a voice that was valued and heard.

I’m so thankful to have learned about all A&M has to offer and the support that is available for us. Lohman did a great job of connecting us with so many valuable resources and supporting us through our first year.

I have friendships to last a lifetime. Lohman has impacted my life in big ways.

The students and coordinator are incredibly grateful to the vast and continued generosity of Carolyn Lohman as well as her late husband, Tommie. They have and continue to positively impact former, current, and future Aggies in profound ways through their benevolence. We can never adequately express all of our gratitude.

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