View Directory ListingDr. Michael Clough taught high school biology and chemistry for seven years before moving to a university research and teaching faculty position. He has received several awards for his teaching and scholarship, including the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) Outstanding Science Teacher Educator of the Year award. His more than 60 peer-reviewed publications and 340 presentations and workshops address: (1) the role of history and nature of science and technology in improving STEM education, STEM teacher education, and public STEM literacy; (2) research-based pedagogical decision-making; (3) science teachers’ crucial role in effective STEM education; (4) effective laboratory instruction; and (5) the synthesis, criticism, and clarification of extant knowledge and research in STEM education. He is a former president of the International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching (IHPST) organization (, and currently serves as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Research in Science Teaching (Impact Factor: 3.179 and ISI Journal Citation Reports [169] Ranking 9/235, Education & Educational Research) and on the Editorial Board of the journal Science & Education.
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